Emma Letters

Emma Letters

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Mommy and Emma photo shoot

Mommy is quite anxious at this point, but won't show it in front of the camera! 2-3 days left to go! Hey, she's on bedrest, but not bed-ridden! Her poor feet and ankles are still swollen, but bed rest has helped that SIGNIFICANTLY. At least she can dress up for appointments and get some once-in-a-lifetime preggie photos :)

We joked about this one a little...."It's the Great pumpkin, Charlie Brown!"

We both don't mind, as we know it's really just our little pumpkin, Emma :)


  1. Thanks so much for sharing this, Joe! I loved reading every post! Can I share the link to your blog on mine...or would you rather I didn't? I'm praying for you guys and thinking of you CONSTANTLY :) Can't wait to meet Emma!

  2. Love, love, love the pictures...great job, Daddy! We're praying hard and counting it down 'til Tuesday. My Monkeys are nearly busting at their seams!;)
