Emma Letters

Emma Letters

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Emma's fairy godmother

Today I want to acknowledge someone who is VERY important to Jenn and I. Her name is Heather and she is Princess Emma's godmother. In fact, it could just be possible that she is Princess Emma's FAIRY godmother. I mean, whoever heard of a princess with just a regular godmother?! Well, I'll tell you, it wouldn't surprise me. In fact, I truly believe she even has magical powers! How else can you explain someone who can mother four little monkeys of her own and keep her sanity?! Yep, she's definitely of the fairy godmother variety. And, I think I even know how she got her super-duper magical powers! She prays...a lot!

She is one of Jenn's besties, they've known each other forever. And after meeting Jenn, I've had the privilege of her friendship as well. She was the matron of honor in our wedding. Unfortunately, she and her family live a few hundred miles away, but that only makes us cherish their visits even more.

I wanted to acknowledge her, because she has been a rock of reassurance and a beacon of light in our sometimes rocky journey with Emma. I can't even imagine the number of prayers that she has uttered on our behalf (the number is too high to fathom!). She is a very special lady, and Emma is very blessed to have such a powerful prayer soldier, petitioning God for her.

So yes, fairy godmothers DO exist. But instead of wands, they get their magic from clasped hands and bowed heads. And to be on the receiving end of this awesome power, to be the focus of one's prayers is an immensely special feeling, utterly indescribable.

So please, if you will, take a moment and think of a special person in your life. Someone who has been there for you when times got tough. Thank God for the blessing of a wonderful friendship and never take it for granted.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh...come on...you're getting me all teary. It's our family who is blessed by the privilege of praying for Emma. We love you guys!
